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October 2, 2023
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What is DLP as a Service? DLPaaS Vs Managed DLPaaS

Our comprehensive guide compares DLP as a Service and Managed DLP as a Service. Learn about their features and choose the right solution for your DLP needs.

What is  DLP as a Service? DLPaaS Vs  Managed DLPaaS


  • DLP as a service is a cloud-based model that offers real-time monitoring, automated policy enforcement, and scalability, making it a fit for organizations with dynamic data needs. 
  • Managed DLP as a service provides an extra layer of specialized service from professionals, including dedicated security monitoring and custom compliance solutions, ideal for enterprises with complex regulatory landscapes.
  • Strac is a DLP as a Service tool that stands out by employing real-time data redaction algorithms, offering no-code API integrations, and ensuring adaptability across multiple regulatory standards like PCI, HIPAA, NIST, GDPR, and more.

What is DLP as a Service (DLPaaS) ?

DLP as a Service, or Data Loss Prevention as a Service, is a cloud-based solution designed to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, sharing, and potential breaches. 

Unlike traditional on-premises DLP solutions, a third-party provider manages and hosts DLP as a Service. This means that the responsibility for the day-to-day management of your DLP program, including monitoring and policy enforcement, is outsourced to experts in the field.

So, how does it work? 

Once deployed, the service continuously scans and monitors data in real time, both at rest and in transit. It uses advanced algorithms to identify sensitive information such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Intellectual Property (IP), and Personal Health Information (PHI). On detecting any unauthorized activity, the service can take predefined actions like blocking the data transfer or alerting the administrators.

Importance of DLP as a Service

DLP as a Service helps organizations comply with regulatory standards like GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. It also safeguards data leaks. This service offers an efficient, cost-effective alternative for small to medium-sized businesses that may not have the resources to manage an in-house DLP program.

Key Features and Benefits of DLP as a Service

Here are the features and benefits that make DLP as a Service a go-to solution for modern businesses:

  • Scalability: As your business grows, DLP as a Service can easily adapt to accommodate more data and more complex security requirements.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: DLP as a Service offers real-time monitoring and reporting, providing you with instant alerts and insights into any suspicious activities.
  • Ease of Deployment: Being a cloud-based DLP solution, it is generally easier and quicker to deploy than traditional on-premises solutions.
  • Automated Policy Enforcement: The service allows the creation of custom DLP policies that are automatically enforced, reducing the risk of human error.
  • Compliance Management: Many services come with built-in compliance templates, making it easier for organizations to meet regulatory requirements. This is a key component of a DLP Security Checklist.
  • Reduced Costs: Outsourcing the management of your DLP program can result in significant cost savings, especially when considering the expenses of an in-house setup.

Strac provides the features that make DLP as a Service a go-to solution for modern businesses. Its scalability, real-time monitoring, ease of deployment, automated policy enforcement, compliance management, and cost-effectiveness make it the best choice DLP landscape.

➡️Learn more about Strac here - API Docs.

What is Managed DLP as a Service?

While DLP as a Service provides the essential tools and automated processes for data protection, Managed DLP as a Service adds the expertise of a dedicated security team to oversee and fine-tune the program. This team works closely with your organization to understand its unique needs, develop custom policies, and continuously monitor for potential risks. 

In Managed DLP as a Service, the service provider doesn't just offer the software; they actively manage it for you. This includes tasks like data classification, policy development, and even incident-based employee training to minimize data breaches.

Importance of Managed DLP as a Service

The added layer of professional management makes this service particularly valuable for organizations with complex data environments or strict compliance requirements. The goal is not just to have a tool in place, but also to maximize its effectiveness and efficiency.

Key Features and Benefits Managed DLP as a Service

Let's review the advanced features Managed DLP as a Service offers.

  • Expert Security Analysis: The Managed Security group delivers expert security analysis. They can offer insights into data egress and exfiltration techniques, refining and tuning the DLP tools accordingly.
  • Custom Policy Development: Unlike standard DLP as a Service, the managed version often involves more intricate, custom policy development tailored to your organization's specific needs.
  • Incident-based Training: Managed DLP services often include training modules triggered by specific incidents, educating employees on best practices in real time.
  • Comprehensive Strategy: Managed DLP is often part of a broader data security strategy, integrating seamlessly with other tools and services to provide a holistic security posture.
  • Ongoing Support and Consultation: With a managed service, you're not just buying a product but entering into a partnership. This often includes ongoing support and consultation to adapt to new security challenges and compliance requirements.
  • Resource Optimization: By outsourcing the intricate tasks of data classification and policy management, your internal team can focus on core business activities, optimizing resource allocation.

DLP as a Service vs. On-Premise DLP


DLP as a Service

On-Premise DLP

Deployment & Maintenance

Cloud-based, no physical infrastructure needed. The service provider handles maintenance.

It requires physical servers. Maintenance and updates are managed by the in-house IT team.

Capital Expenditure

Subscription model, operational expenditure.

Higher upfront costs for hardware and software, capital expenditure

Data Sovereignty

It may offer regional data storage but needs verification for compliance.

It gives complete control over data location and makes complying with data sovereignty laws easier.

Flexibility & Adaptability

Quick to adapt to emerging threats and business needs due to cloud-based architecture.

Changes or upgrades can be time-consuming and may require additional resources.

Disaster Recovery

It often includes built-in disaster recovery options.

It requires a separate disaster recovery plan, adding to the complexity and cost.

Skillset Requirements

A reduced need for specialized in-house skills as the service provider manages most aspects.

It requires in-house expertise for setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

How Can Strac Revolutionize Your DLP Strategy?

As a SaaS-based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) platform, Strac’s DLP as a service specializes in securing sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI) across various applications. Here are some of its features that can revolutionize your DLP strategy.

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No-Code Integrations: Ease of Use

Traditional DLP solutions often require a complex setup process, involving multiple steps and specialized expertise. Strac simplifies this by offering seamless, no-code integrations with popular platforms like Zendesk, Slack, Gmail, and Office 365. 

Regulatory Compliance: Multi-Law Adaptability

Whether you need to comply with PCI, HIPAA, SOC 2, GDPR, or CCPA, Strac has got you covered. Its built-in compliance templates and continuous scanning capabilities ensure that your organization remains compliant with the most stringent regulatory standards.

Source G2

Real-Time Redaction: Instant Protection

As soon as sensitive information is detected, the platform takes predefined actions like redacting the data or alerting administrators. This real-time functionality is particularly beneficial in customer-facing roles where sensitive data is frequently exchanged. It ensures that your organization's data security posture is always proactive rather than reactive.

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Discover & Protect Data on SaaS, Cloud, Generative AI
Strac provides end-to-end data loss prevention for all SaaS and Cloud apps. Integrate in under 10 minutes and experience the benefits of live DLP scanning, live redaction, and a fortified SaaS environment.
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