Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) Tool

Take control of your sensitive data with Strac, your premier Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) solution for SaaS, Cloud, and GenAI tools. Strac is a leading DSPM vendor that offers continuous, automated monitoring of your entire ecosystem to detect sensitive data effortlessly.
A drawing of a woman sitting on top of a table.

DSPM Solution

Strac's DSPM solution identifies and safeguards your most sensitive data, no matter where it resides within your SaaS, cloud, and GenAI ecosystem.

Proactively minimize your attack surface today and prevent data breaches before they happen.
ISO 27001

Data Security Posture Management

Strac focuses on core security for SaaS, Cloud and Gen AI applications. With monitoring, threat response, and user access control, we help maintain data safety and compliance.

What is DSPM?

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  • Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) empowers organizations to adopt a comprehensive approach to data security. It involves the use of advanced tools and processes by security teams to detect, monitor, and protect sensitive data across the organization.
  • Companies utilize DSPM tools, like Strac, to ensure real-time monitoring of sensitive data and maintain compliance with industry regulations. These tools offer valuable data security insights and enhance the enforcement of security policies, enabling proactive threat management.
  • Explore our platform through a virtual tour to discover how Strac can help you achieve robust security and safeguard your data integrity effectively. Witness firsthand how our solution can navigate the complexities of data protection and fortify your organization's security posture.

What are the key components of a DSPM tool?

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  • Sensitive Data Discovery & Classification: Identifying all sensitive data assets within an organization that may pose a risk. This includes discovering Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Protected Health Information (PHI), and other sensitive data stored in SaaS applications, cloud environments, and GenAI tools. Checkout
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Implementing measures to prevent data breaches by redacting sensitive information or limiting data retention periods. This helps minimize the attack surface and reduces the potential impact of any data breaches. Checkout SaaS DLP: and Cloud DLP:
  • Access Control Management: Preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data through robust access controls and authentication mechanisms. This ensures that only authorized personnel can access sensitive documents and information. Checkout
  • Security Awareness Training: Educating employees about data security best practices and their role in protecting the organization’s data. Regular training sessions help ensure that staff are aware of potential threats and how to mitigate them.
  • Insider Risk Management: Monitoring user behavior and access privileges to identify any suspicious or unauthorized activities from within the organization. This component is crucial for detecting and mitigating insider threats. Checkout
  • Compliance Management: Establishing and enforcing security policies and compliance standards that align with industry regulations and best practices. This ensures that the organization meets all legal and regulatory requirements for data protection. Checkout SOC 2 Compliance: , PCI Compliance:

How does a DSPM tool protect sensitive data?

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  • DSPM tools are designed to identify sensitive data throughout an organization's ecosystem. For example, Strac utilizes both pre-built and custom detectors to detect the specific risks relevant to your business, providing security teams with comprehensive visibility into data sharing across the entire workforce.
  • After detecting sensitive data, the platform employs automated remediations like Redaction, Masking, Blocking, Alerting, Deletion. This allows employees to perform their roles effectively while minimizing the risks associated with sharing sensitive information.

Why is a DSPM tool important?

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  • Data is often the core of an organization, making DSPM an essential component for ensuring seamless business operations and building a trustworthy brand that customers can rely on.
  • DSPM’s importance lies in its ability to protect sensitive data, such as customer information and proprietary business secrets, from cyber attacks, breaches, and unauthorized access. Compliance with strict regulations like GDPR or HIPAA also often necessitates the implementation of a reliable DSPM solution.
  • By preventing data-related security incidents, organizations can avoid the financial and legal consequences associated with data leaks and breaches. Organizations of all sizes can benefit from a DSPM solution, but it is particularly valuable for rapidly growing companies with expanding IT environments. For these organizations, a DSPM solution is invaluable in maintaining control over their data and ensuring robust security.
Seamless Integration & Scalability Showcase
Machine Learning & Customization Showcase
Machine Learning & Customization Showcase

Unified Data Security & Compliance Suite

Icon for User Management & Control

Data Discovery & Scanning

  • Continuous Monitoring of Sensitive Data across both unstructured text and unstructured documents (pdf, jpeg, png, image, docx, xlsx, zip)
  • Historical Scanning: Look at past data across all data sources and discover sensitive data

Remediation Actions

  • Redaction: Redact sensitive data
  • Mask: Remove critical parts of sensitive data
  • Block: Block data or file access based on policy
  • Alert: Get Slack, Teams or SIEM Alerts

SaaS, Cloud and Gen AI Integrations

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Compliance & Reporting

  • Regulatory Compliance Reports: Automated reports ensuring regulatory compliance needs.
  • Data Retention Policies: Automatic archival or deletion based on organizational rules.

SaaS & Cloud DSPM Integrations

Integrate instantly across your entire SaaS stack
Integrate in 5 minutes and protect your daily SaaS & Cloud apps with Strac


Zendesk Logomark
Discover and Protect sensitive PII, PCI, PHI Data in Zendesk tickets
Learn More
Slack Logomark
Discover and Protect sensitive PII, PCI, PHI Data in slack messages and files
Learn More
Gmail Logomark
Discover and Protect sensitive PII, PCI, PHI Data in emails (body& attachments)
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Office 365 Logomark
Office 365
Discover and Protect sensitive PII, PCI, PHI Data in emails (body &attachments)
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Intercom Logomark
Discover and Protect sensitive PII, PCI, PHI Data in Intercom conversations
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Notion Logomark
Identify & Protect sensitive personal data (PII & PHI) from Notion pages and blocks
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Identify sensitive data (PII, PHI,API Keys) in your log files
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PostgreSQL Logomark
Mask sensitive data in your databasesand use it for testing
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Google Drive Logomark
Identify & Protect sensitive personal data from Google Drive documents
Learn More

What our customers say

Hear from companies who leveraged Strac to secure and accelerate their business

Read more on G2
Strac is a leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) on G2
Strac is a leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) on G2
Strac is a leader in Sensitive Data Discovery on G2
Strac is a leader in Data-Centric Security on G2
Strac is a leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) on G2
Strac is a leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) on G2
Strac is a leader in Data-Centric Security on G2
Strac is a leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) on G2
Strac is a leader in Sensitive Data Discovery on G2
Users love Strac on G2
Strac is a leader in Sensitive Data Discovery on G2
Strac is a leader in Sensitive Data Discovery on G2

“Strac protects our customer support communication channels

To protect our clients as well as ourselves, we needed a secure way to protect our communication channels for security and compliance reasons. We used Strac's Email Redaction solution where Strac protects all our employee inboxes. The redaction experience is beautiful, easy, and secure. It catches all kinds of sensitive pdfs, jpegs, images, word docs, and even in email bodies. The integration was up and running in a few minutes. The service offered by Strac's team is the best I have seen as we work with a lot of SaaS providers.

We Highly Recommend Strac to all businesses who want to protect their SaaS apps.

Nathan Seifert
Head of IT at Trivium
Nathan Seifert Portrait

“Strac secures our PII on customer support and on backend servers

On our Intercom customer support, anyone can send sensitive data to a business and a business is liable even if they did not ask for it. Strac solves that huge problem by automatically redacting sensitive data that is shared over Intercom with their accurate machine learning technology. We also leveraged Strac's Zero Data architecture via tokenization & proxy APIs so that we don't have to worry about touching sensitive data and documents on our backend servers. Strac dramatically reduces security and SOC compliance risks for us while significantly improving security posture for Seis. Strac's solutions were extremely easy to integrate (literally in few minutes) and scaled to meet our needs.

Josh Howland
CTO and Co-Founder at Seis
Josh Portrait

“Loved Strac's Interceptor Solution

We leverage Strac's tokenization & interceptor solution so that we don't have to worry touching sensitive SSNs and can leverage Strac's security expertise in building hundreds of security controls.

We could also detect identity fraud using Strac's unique tokenization solution which we are really happy with. That saved us a ton of financial losses and headaches. We are looking forward to integrating with various other Strac solutions deep into our tech stack.

Kevin Hopkins
CTO at Zeta
Kevin Hopkins Logo

Transforming SaaS, Cloud & GenAI Data Discovery, DSPM and DLP