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Solve Insider Risks When Employees Leave

What to do when employees leave?

Solve Insider Risks When Employees Leave


Introduction to Insider Risks

In any organization, employees are often seen as the greatest asset; however, they can also pose significant insider risks, especially when they leave. The threat increases with individuals classified as high-risk due to their roles, access levels, or behavioral factors. Recognizing and mitigating these risks is crucial to maintaining data security and preventing intellectual property theft.

Understanding High-Risk Employees

High-risk employees include those with privileged access, remote workers, disgruntled individuals, negligent personnel, and contractors. These categories of employees can pose greater threats to an organization’s data security due to their access to sensitive information or their potential dissatisfaction with the company. Traditional security solutions, which apply a one-size-fits-all approach to data protection, are inadequate in addressing these nuanced risks. Overly strict, militaristic data control methods often fail as employees find quick workarounds, highlighting the need for more tailored and effective security strategies.

The Problem with Conventional Security Approaches

Traditional security frameworks often fail to keep pace with the rapid digital changes within modern work environments. They typically treat all employee data risks equally, which is not only ineffective but can also hinder productivity and innovation. A minor file-sharing mistake by a distracted employee should not be equated with deliberate data theft by a high-risk insider. This lack of differentiation leads to significant visibility gaps that generic policies cannot address, leaving companies vulnerable to data leaks and theft.

Strategic Solutions for Insider Risk Management

To combat the risk of insider threats effectively, especially from high-risk employees, it is essential to adopt a more focused and adaptable approach to data protection.

Strac DLP preventing a sensitive file from being uploaded

Key Features of Strac’s Insider Risk Management:

  • Tailored Data Protection: Strac’s solutions allow for specific focus on high-risk employees by distinguishing between typical employee behavior and that which poses a real threat. This ensures that protection measures are proportionate and targeted.
  • Advanced Monitoring: With comprehensive visibility into both cloud and endpoint data movements—including Git activities, cloud storage syncs, and even direct device transfers like AirDrop—Strac provides a robust framework for monitoring data exfiltration.
  • Proactive Measures: Strac enables organizations to add high-risk users to a Watchlist for ongoing scrutiny, ensuring that their activities are closely monitored and managed.
  • Real-Time Response: Immediate blocking measures can be implemented for individuals handling sensitive intellectual property, preventing unauthorized data transfers as soon as they are detected.
  • Educational Outreach: For non-malicious insiders who may inadvertently mishandle data, Strac offers corrective training and educational tools to foster better data handling practices and security awareness.

Implementing Effective Insider Risk Controls

Implementing an effective insider risk management strategy requires both technological solutions and organizational policies that adapt to the evolving nature of work and employee dynamics. Here’s how organizations can leverage Strac to safeguard their data:

  1. Identify and Prioritize Risks: By using Strac, organizations can identify which employees pose the greatest risk based on their access levels and roles within the company.
  2. Deploy Customized Protections: Customized security protocols can be established, focusing on the specific risk profiles of high-risk individuals rather than applying broad measures across the board.
  3. Monitor and Adjust: Continuous monitoring and adjustment of security measures are crucial. Strac’s analytics and reporting tools provide ongoing insights into data movement and employee behavior, helping refine the approach as needed.
  4. Educate and Engage: Engaging with employees through regular training on data security best practices helps reduce negligent behavior and reinforces a culture of security.

Conclusion: Securing the Future

As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of insider threats, especially those posed by departing employees, adopting specialized, flexible solutions like those provided by Strac is essential. These strategies not only protect sensitive information but also support a culture of security and compliance within the organization. In doing so, companies not only safeguard their competitive edge but also their reputation and operational integrity.

Founder, Strac. ex-Amazon Payments Infrastructure (Widget, API, Security) Builder for 11 years.

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