Secure customer’s sensitive personal PII data across web, mobile apps, servers and all communication channels (Office 365, Gmail, Slack, Zendesk, Intercom, etc.) using Strac
Use Security Software. Protect stored client data. Create strong passwords. Secure wireless networks.
Recognize Phishing scams. Guard against Phishing emails. Monitor EFIN/PTIN. Spot Data theft.
As part of its implementation of the GLB Act, the Federal Trade Commission issued the Safeguards Rule, which requires financial institutions under FTC jurisdiction to have measures in place to keep customer information secure. The requires companies to develop a written information security plan that describes their program to protect customer information.
Have 2FA (2 Factor Authentication) enforced over your email and SaaS.
Strac's proprietary technology automatically redacts sensitive information from emails body and attachments.
Strac's solutions will protect from PII Data Risks
Strac will enforce tools where passwords will be safely stored and used.
In order to adhere to FTC Safeguard plan, you will need an Information Security Plan. Strac's extensive security experience will help you build a robust plan to protect you and your business from security risks.
Protect your data in emails and SaaS solutions you are using to store customer's sensitive data.
794 Mcallister St San Francisco, California(CA), 94102
653 Springfield Gardens, New York (NY), 11413